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ios developer Florent Pottevin AppStore multizic quiz notch remover australia coventry university Jeanne d'arc franconville

I am a professional who values honesty, integrity and transparency. I also like to take initiative and propose ideas for the right of the project.


In France, in my early 20's, I was part of a team in the distribution industry, team that I used to manage from time to time as part of my studies.

Back then, it was time for me to discover what another country could bring to the table. Therefore I went for a Bachelor in Marketing and Management in Coventry University in England, followed by a Master in Information Technology for which I had only one coding course to discover Java.

After my Master, I've spent most of my time, not to say all, in Sydney, Australia. I arrived in May 2012 and I've worked like other backpackers in random jobs regrettably never linked with IT. However in November 2013, I decide to dedicate myself to my own projects. 

I've first developed all alone 2 iOS apps that were available for 3 years on App Store. Those 2 apps were tools for backpackers in Australia and were quite successful at my scale. Those apps rapidly led to 2 other associated apps for professionals to post jobs on the 2 first ones. However, Facebook pages became more and more popular and the server I was using closed down after being bought by Facebook.  It was an amazing experience as I managed to build a strong user base thanks to my marketing skills and also partner up with well known brands like, Surf Camp Australia, Travellers Autobarn and more.


This was challenging but necessary in order to create my own professional experience and show what I am worth. After all, only tutorials, Youtube and StackoverFlow taught me how to develop iOS apps from simple idea to AppStore release, and I've released or worked on around 20 apps now.

This great experience enabled me to integrate a position in iMSX as a Software Developer and getting sponsored for it. 

As I never have enough on my plate, I also work on my own projects. If curious, search for my name on the AppStore... I have a dozen of apps out there.

Now in march 2020, time to come back on what happened lately!


Australia has been over for me for the past year as my position was made redundant due to economical reasons. I travelled my way back to Europe through Asia.

I was living the Digital Nomad life and it was a blast. I made more wallpaper apps along the way.


I freshly developed Instag as I was at the time intensively using Instagram to document my journey.


After being through Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, I went back 40 days in Australia to achieve my ultimate Oz road trip: 15,000 km in 33 days! Perth, Adelaide, Uluru, Darwin, Exmouth, Perth. Then it was time for me to get back to France after 8 long years without coming back but hey I had to do that via Hollande, Denmark and Sweden...

Once in France, I opened my own "auto-entrepreneur" company, App with flow, as feared before to arrive things in France were super slow and the need to leave again emerged rapidly.

Not suspecting what was about to happen worldwide with the corona virus, I rented a van to live the van life in Europe for around 2 months right before Christmas 2019. That was the opportunity for me to travel Portugal and Spain and to bring back to life my first app Picking Mate rebranded as Harvest Cal AU.

After meeting great people and making business opportunities, I went back in Spain, close to Barcelona, where I met a wonderful nurse who's now busy helping the world whilst I'm here trying to generate a few downloads.

Great apps already came out of this confinement days... MultiZic Quiz, to name only one, is a great way to kill time during this quarantine days. And when we will be able to socialise again, it is great fun to play with friends.

Under review by Apple as I write, is my latest app Revenue Check for Unity Ads which is pretty self explanatory. I already have another 2 under development!

Current APps
ios developer Florent Pottevin AppStore multizic quiz notch remover australia coventry university Jeanne d'arc franconville
Along the path
imsx ios developer Florent Pottevin AppStore multizic quiz notch remover australia coventry university Jeanne d'arc franconville


"iMSX are leaders in the development of enterprise, commercial grade mobile apps, cloud platforms and office productivity based app solutions"

ios developer Florent Pottevin AppStore multizic quiz notch remover australia coventry university Jeanne d'arc franconville coventry university



"Dynamic university that provides high quality education to our students, reinforced by the fact that we were awarded Gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (2017)"

ios developer Florent Pottevin AppStore multizic quiz notch remover australia coventry university Jeanne d'arc franconville



"Une formation en apprentissage en 2 ans gratuite et rémunérée

Unités pédagogiques rattachée au CFA Régional Multiprofessionnel, CERFAL situé à Paris"

know more
ios developer Florent Pottevin AppStore multizic quiz notch remover australia coventry university Jeanne d'arc franconville linkedin
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